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The official release: 7 July 2021
DOI: 10.52982/197702
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Dear Reader,
It is with great pride and delight we are able to present to you the second issue of “The Global Psychotherapist” – the International Journal of Positive Psychotherapy. The efforts of the editorial board of The Global Psychotherapist as well as the referees of the blind peer review system contributed to the emergence of this issue. First, we would like to thank the researchers, referees and individuals on the editorial board of the journal who contributed to this issue.
As is the purpose of The Global Psychotherapist – the International Journal of Positive Psychotherapy, this issue also includes practical material and research in the field of psychotherapy with a universal perspective. As Positive Psychotherapy, which is an intercultural approach that focuses on the positum (whole person), can include eclectic approaches, and is based on analytical therapies, these various techniques are reflected in the studies included in the second issue of this journal. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the world is going through extraordinary processes, and we found that Prof. Dr. Nossrat Peseschkian’s perspective on the principal of hope in Positive Psychotherapy offers us a skill most significant at the time of this second issue. Developed by Prof. Dr. Peseschkian during the 1960s and confirmed by the Positive Psychological movement in the early 2000s, the importance and power of Positive Psychotherapy is shown in these articles. In the same way, Röder examines hope and its importance for mental health with proverbs and carries this tradition to the present in this second issue.
The increase in the number of studies on the effectiveness of Positive Psychotherapy can be seen in this second issue. Here Christ et al. impressively demonstrates, from the points of view of psychotherapists and patients, that Positive Psychotherapy is an important therapy method in terms of motivational clarification, active help in solving problems and therapeutic support and relationships. The concept of hardiness, used in today’s psychology is Examined here by Chykhantsova and Kuprieieva in terms of Positive Psychotherapy, which provides important information to the literature. Chykhantsova and Kuprieieva show us that capabilities such as contact, trust, hope, love, achievement, and reliability can be important tools in increasing hardiness. Additionally, Tomcheva and Arabazhiev examine the frustration and the general level of aggressive tendencies of adolescents and remind us of the importance of “egocentricism”, which is an important concept in adolescent development. One of the important concepts of Positive Psychotherapy is intrapersonal differentiation. Ivanova shows us the importance of authenticity and openness, which are important tools of intrapersonal differentiation in the psychotherapy process, with an interesting and important research in terms of Positive Psychotherapy.
Positive Psychotherapy sees the body as an important source of coping with conflict and an important area where people’s abilities and capacities are reflected. Remmers deals with the body’s messages in the psychotherapy process in a theoretical and practical way. As there are special people in our lives, there are also special clients in the psychotherapy process. Dobiała et al. discuss in detail the nature of the disorder experienced by individuals with adult autism, its effects on the psychotherapy process, and what needs to be done. One of the applications of Positive Psychotherapy is positive group psychotherapy. Perebeynosov broadens our perspective with his study on group practices. Finally, Fortunatova evaluates and examines the issue of ethics in the psychotherapy process from a different perspective.
When the content of the second issue is summarized, it is seen that Positive Psychotherapy has been scientifically examined by researchers at micro and macro levels. An interesting aspect of this issue is the examination of the relations between the concepts dealt with in positive psychology studies and the structures of Positive Psychotherapy. As stated at the beginning of our second issue, the principles, concepts, and structures of Positive Psychotherapy protect individuals and societies from crises. As a result, providing significant support to bio-medical, psycho-social, and biopsychosocial perspectives; with the hope that The Global Psychotherapist – International Journal of Positive Psychotherapy, which offers an important perspective to different help professional groups such as psychological counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, educators, social workers, and psychiatric nurses, will be beneficial to humanity.
The Editorial Board of “The Global Psychotherapist”, Journal of Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy