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New Issue of “The Global Psychotherapist” PPT Journal is published. Learn the latest insights from the psychotherapy world


25th Anniversary International Trainer Seminar in Wiebaden


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World Association for Positive
and Transcultural Psychotherapy

WAPP is the international umbrella organization of Positive Psychotherapy. It is an international, democratic, non-governmental and non-profit professional organization registered in Wiesbaden, Germany.

Since 1977, our mission is to promote and improve global mental health by supporting our members and all interested persons in studying, practicing, and promoting Positive Psychotherapy.

Our association is a member of the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP), the World Council for Psychotherapy (WCP), and the World Federation for Psychotherapy (WFP).

About WAPP
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2500+ Members

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60 Countries

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170 + Trainers

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60+ Centers

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