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Data Protection Statement and Disclaimer

1. Website content

The author takes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. The author is in no event liable for damages of any kind incurred or suffered as a result of the use or non-use of the information presented on this website or the use of defective or incomplete information unless the author has been acting deliberately or in a wantonly negligent manner. The contents of this website are subject to confirmation and not binding. The author expressly reserves the right to alter, amend or remove pages, whole and in part, without prior notice or to discontinue publication for a period of time or even completely.

2. References and links

In cases of direct and indirect references to third-party Internet pages or other documents on the Internet (hyperlinks) the author is not responsible for, the author can only be made liable if the author was aware of the content of the website or if it would have been reasonable and technically feasible to prevent the use of websites with illegal content. The author hereby explicitly states that, at the time of setting the link, there was no evidence of illegal content on the respective website. The author has no influence on the current or future design, the content or the copyright of the linked website. Therefore, the author dissociates him-/herself explicitly from all changes concerning the contents of linked pages that were made after the link was set. This statement is valid for all links and references within the website created by the author as well as for links and references from third parties in guestbooks, discussion forums, lists of links and mailing lists. The provider of the linked page is exclusively responsible for illegal, defective or incomplete contents and especially for damages resulting from the use or non-use of the information presented on the linked page. The author referring to the page through a link is not liable for any of the above.

3. Copyright and acknowledgement of sources

The author aims to observe the copyright of any graphic, audio document, video sequence or text in all publications, to use his/her own graphics, audio documents, video sequences or texts or to make use of license free graphics, audio documents, video sequences or texts. All trade marks and brands mentioned on the website, including those protected by third parties, are without limitation subject to the provisions under the respective labelling law and the rights of the copyright holder. The sole mentioning of a trade mark on this website should not lead to the assumption that it is not protected by the rights of a third party! The author of the website has the exclusive copyright to all published objects created by him-/herself. The reproduction or use of any such graphics, audio documents, video sequences or texts in other electronic or printed publications is prohibited without the author’s express consent.

4. Data Protection

On some pages you have the possibility to enter personal or business data (e. g. e-mail addresses, names, postal addresses, etc.). The disclosure of this data is voluntary. If technically feasible and where reasonable, all services offered can be used without disclosing personal information or by use of anonymised data or aliases. Exceptions are forms for ordering publications or other materials, registration forms for events or accreditation forms. Third parties are prohibited to send unsolicited information to mailing addresses, phone or fax numbers or e-mail addresses published on the imprint page or similar pages. We reserve the right to take legal action against anyone violating this prohibition by sending so-called spam.

5. E-mail Communication

Security gaps can occur in e-mail communication, if the connection is not encrypted. An e-mail sent to a recipient can be intercepted and read by experienced Internet users. E-Mails are received by the WAPP Head Office. If you send an e-mail to the WAPP Head Office, we assume that the staff is authorised to reply by e-mail. If you do not wish to receive an e-mail, we kindly ask you to consider alternative ways of communication, for example regular mail.

6. Privacy Policy

Every access to the WAPP (Positum) website will be stored on the web server as a protocol file for a maximum of 24 hours exclusively for the purpose of data security. The protocol file includes the following data:

  • files accessed
  • date and time of access
  • volume of data transferred
  • notice whether data was successfully accessed
  • IP address of the user or provider
  • Internet address of last Internet page visited (referrer)
  • information about the programme recalling data (user agent)

The data saved are not used for statistical purposes. They will not be disclosed to third parties for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

WAPP uses cookies, in order to track visits to its website. Any data that are saved to the log file in this context are not merged with additional data that may be saved when accessing other services where the entry of personal data is required.

The WAPP website cannot and expressly does not establish a direct link between the IP address from the log file and your personal identity. Your IP address will only be analysed in the event of inappropriate conduct, an attack on WAPP internet infrastructure, or any other form of illegal activity that occurs in connection with use of the website. An analysis of the IP address to reveal your identity can only be conducted via your provider through proceedings instigated by the police or state prosecutor’s office.

If your personal data are required to process a request on this website, your active participation will be required. You will only be asked to enter the data that are required in each specific case. We will handle these data confidentially and will only use them as permitted by data protection legislation, and for the purpose for which they were requested. If personal data (such as your name, address or e-mail address) need to be saved for a particular information service, your data will only be retained for the time period required to carry out the service in connection with the data that were collected. If a service is terminated, or you unsubscribe from an information service (e.g. a mailing list), personal data will be irrevocably deleted after six weeks at the latest.

7. Cookies

You can access the website and make full use of it without accepting cookies.

We use the information generated by cookie exclusively to improve our website and the server. Your IP address is anonymised and cannot be traced back to you.

The saved data are used exclusively for statistical purposes. They are not disclosed to third parties.

8. User’s right to information

Pursuant to §§ 19 – 20 Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), as a user of the WAPP website you have the right to request information on the kind and volume of data stored during your visit at any time. On request, the information will be provided to you according to your interest concerning such information. This service is provided free of charge. Please contact us.

9. Data protection contact

If you have further questions on data protection, please contact our Head Office.

10. Legal effect of disclaimer

This disclaimer is part of the website linked to this page. If parts of this text or certain wordings are not, no longer or not completely in line with current legislation, it will not prejudice the rest of the document in terms of content or validity.