Archives for: May 10th, 2021

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Solomon Abebe

Positive interpretation serving as a tool for clients identifying and replacing inaccurate thoughts

Claudia Christ & Ferdinand Mitterlehner

Short term psychotherapy and coaching for men

Jie Deng

Summary of China workshop

Polina Efremova

Exiting psychotherapy – finding balance in saying goodbye to the client

Полина Ефремова

Выход из терапии – сохранение баланса

Thomas Gruyters

Everything is a trauma or not? Overview of the field of trauma therapy

Andre R. Marseille

Positive Psychotherapy as an existentialism

Hamid Peseschkian

Self-discovery keynote – presentation

Arno Remmers

Positive Psychosomatic Therapy – The Psychosomatic Arc in Therapy

Arno Remmers

The Process of Self Development and Self-Discovery in Psychotherapeutic Competences Trainings

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