70 representatives of our Association from 18 countries will meet in Istanbul at a special WAPP working meeting.

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the vision of the future of WAPP and work on the development strategy of our Association, as well as on new fields of our PPT method. Therefore, the Board chose members of the board, committees and working groups, the Head Office, as well as some active trainers and organizers, so that many countries are represented, to come to this working meeting, which will not be a conference.

All participants will bring back and share all information and materials in their cities, countries, and communities. So, every one of you could get later involved in a working group or committee, if you want. Our Association is now an internationally operating non-governmental organization in the field of mental health – and we need many active supporters.

This will be the first in-person (offline) meeting of committee members and the board of directors during the last 3 years. Istanbul was chosen due to its convenient location, easy visa requirements and affordability. Due to the challenges we experience all over the world, WAPP was able to secure a special discount package with the hotel and organizers.

We look forward to meeting our colleagues with enthusiasm and will share some exciting news with you afterwards.