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There is a lot of literature on Positive Psychotherapy. Please choose the language and format.


The World Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy (WAPP) is a dedicated promoter of Positive Psychotherapy (PPT) and constantly advances its principles and practices. With a strong commitment to providing accessible resources to everyone, WAPP has established WAPP Press to publish the works of our established authors and books of our newcomer authors on the latest findings in Positive Psychotherapy.

All authors interested in collaborating with us are welcome to visit WAPP Press page or reach out to us at wapp@positum.org

Ebru Sinici, Sinan Aydýn, Taner Öznur

Tedaviye Dirençli Obsesif Kompulsif Bozuklukta Pozitif Psikoterapi Etkili Olabilir Mi? Bir Olgu Sunumu.

Sinici E, Sari , Maden О.

Primary and Secondary Capacities in Post-Traunatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Patients in terms of Positive Psychotherapy

Tuğba Sarı, Abant İzzet, Baysal Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi Psikolojik

Pozitif psikoterapi: Gelişimi, temel ilke ve yöntemleri ve Türk kültürüne uygulanabilirliği Positive psychotherapy: Its development, basic principles and methods, and applicability to Turkish culture

Tugba Sarı & Ali Eryılmaz (2020)

Positive Psychotherapy in PTSD and Post-traumatic Growth

Арно Реммерс

Применение позитивной психотерапии в педагогике. Образование и превентивные меры

John Okoro

Die Sonne geht an keinem Dorf vorüber: Leben mit dem Schmerz des Abschiedes (Deutsch) Gebundene Ausgabe

Kılıç N, Eryılmaz A. (2019)

Pozitif Psikoterapi Bağlamında Narsisistik Kişilik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi

Hülya Kök-Eren & Ali Eryılmaz (2019)

Pozitif psikoterapinin birincil ve ikincil yetenekleri açısından anksiyete bozukluğu olan ve olmayan yetişkinlerin karşılaştırılması

Keven-Akliman & Ali Eryılmaz (2017)

The Effectiveness of a Body Image Group Counselling Program on Adolescent Girls in High School

Abbas Jabbarian

Ängste und ihre positiven Botschaften: Im Kontext der Positiven Psychotherapie – Von der symbolischen Sprache des Unbewussten (Deutsch) Taschenbuch

Huysse-Gaytandjieva, A. & Bontcheva, I.

Why do we fail to adapt to a different culture? A development of a therapeutic approach

Christian Henrichs

Psychodynamic Positive Psychotherapy Emphasizes the Impact of Culture in the Time of Globalization

Maksim Goncharov

Operationalisation of Countertransference in Positive Psychotherapy

Georg Franzen

Positive Psychotherapie und rezeptive Kunsttherapie

Ali Eruilmaz (2020)

Meta Teori: Bir Gelisim ve Psikoterapi Kurami Olarak Pozitif Psikoterapi (Turkish) Paperback

Ali Eryilmaz (2018)

Self-Perceptions of Young Males who were Offenders and Non-offenders: Positive and Pathological Self-Images

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