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There is a lot of literature on Positive Psychotherapy. Please choose the language and format.


The World Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy (WAPP) is a dedicated promoter of Positive Psychotherapy (PPT) and constantly advances its principles and practices. With a strong commitment to providing accessible resources to everyone, WAPP has established WAPP Press to publish the works of our established authors and books of our newcomer authors on the latest findings in Positive Psychotherapy.

All authors interested in collaborating with us are welcome to visit WAPP Press page or reach out to us at wapp@positum.org


بررسی و کشف درون و خویشتن SELF DISCOVERY Info sheet

Удо Бёссманн & Арно Реммерс


Томас Корнбіхлер за участі Маніже та Хаміда Пезешкіана

Носсрат Пезешкіан. Схід – Захід: Позитивна психотерапія в діалозі культур

Nossrat Peseschkian

Positive Psychotherapy of everyday life [in Persian (Farsi) language]

The conflict model of Positive Psychotherapy [in Persian (Farsi) language]

Ovidiu Damian & Gabriela Hum

FACING THE MIRROR: Positive Psychotherapists Revisiting Their Past

Nossrat Peseschkian

Positive Family Therapy [روان درمانی مثبت در خانواده]

Eda Zenginal & Elif Bengi Unsal Ozberk

Investigation of The Effectiveness of Positive Psychotherapy-Based 0-6 Age Family
Education Program

Nossrat Peseschkian

If you want something you have never had, you have to do something you have never done before [اگر می خواهی چیزی داشته باشی که آن را تا به حال نداشته ای، پس کاری انجام بده که آن را تا به حال انجام نداده ای.]

Nossrat Peseschkian, Nawid Peseschkian & Hamid Peseschkian

Positive Stress Management [شادی های زندکی به جای استرس]

Nossrat Peseschkian

Life Is A Paradise To Which We Can Find The Key [زندگی بهشتی است که می توان به کلید آن دست یافت]

Sonja Johanna Käferböck

Kann Schule glücklich machen? Über die Möglichkeiten und Arten der Glücksvermittlung nach Nossrat Peseschkian: Master’s thesis

Nossrat Peseschkian

The merchant and the parrot – Oriental stories as tools in positive psychotherapy [بازرگان و طوطی داستان های شرقی به عنوان ابزاری در روان .]

Karin Tritt, Thomas H. Loew, Martin Meyer, Birgit Werner & Nossrat Peseschkian

Позитивная психотерапия: эффективность междисциплинарного подхода

Karin Tritt, Thomas H. Loew, Martin Meyer, Birgit Werner & Nossrat Peseschkian

Quality Assurance and Effectiveness Study of Positive psychotherapy

Nadezda Mileva & Petya Terziivanova 

Българските народни приказки – ключ към емоциите на нашите деца [Bulgarian folk tales – a key to our children’s emotions]
