10.00 EUR

Self-Connection Discovery Deck cards (self-print file)

Self-Connection Discovery Deck cards (self-print file)

Suggested Price: 10.00

Self-printed File

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Gülle, N., Yalçin, Ö. (2024).  Self-Connection Discovery Deck cards. Wiesbaden: WAPP Press.

The Self & Connection Discovery Deck consists of 100 questions (25 for each of the four areas) based on the Balance Model. This deck is designed to explore and enhance various types of relationships, including romantic, familial, friendships, and professional connections.

The objective is to provide individuals and couples with valuable insights into their relationships, highlighting strengths and differences, and enhancing communication skills.

Instructions for Download & Preparation:

1. Purchase & Download: After purchasing, download the complete PDF of the card set.
2. Print the Cards: For best results, print on high-quality cardstock paper. Standard letter-size or A4 sheets work well.
3. Cut the Cards: Carefully cut along the guidelines to create your individual cards.
4. Organize the Deck: After cutting, sort and arrange the cards according to the categories of the Balance Model (Body, Achievement, Contact, Future).
5. Store Your Cards: Keep the cards safe in a decorative box or pouch to ensure easy access and durability over time.


Nihal GÜLLE, Positive psychotherapist, Basic Trainer on Positive Psychotherapy

Özlem YALÇIN, Positive psychotherapist


Self-print file published by WAPP Press

World Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy

Luisenstrasse 28, 65185 Wiesbaden



© 2024 WAPP Press

This e-set of cards is protected and traceable. Permission is granted to download or print solely by the purchasing person. Distribution of the e-book and commercial use are strictly forbidden under Article 17 of the EU Copyright Directive.

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