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Living a fulfilled life (e-book)

Living a fulfilled life (e-book)

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Werringloer, Richard-Christian (2023). Living A Fulfilled Life: Self-Exploration and Personal Growth with Positive Psychotherapy after Prof. Dr. Nossrat Peseschkian. Wiesbaden: WAPP Press, 2023. — ISBN 978-3910225138.

Paperback book (printed copy) can be ordered on Amazon


About the book:

This encyclopedic book has evolved from Dr. Werringloer’s twenty-five years of medical and psychotherapeutic studies and therapy. It is directed to all who are interested in discovering themselves and undertaking a perpetual voyage of self-development. It invites us to reflect on who we are, our current situation, and how we can search for new ways to flourish.

Medical doctor, naturopath, and positive psychotherapist Richard Werringloer targets his patients’ physical and emotional pain with an array of holistic, psychosomatic tools. Central among them is Positive Psychotherapy (PPT), a cross-cultural approach developed by his mentor, Professor Dr. Nossrat Peseschkian in the 1960s, to help patients overcome their mental obstacles and find balance and wholeness in their lives again. Living a Fulfilled Life goes beyond PPT in theory and practice, encompassing many other therapeutic schools that complement Dr. Peseschkian’s teachings, making a more profound understanding of PPT and ourselves possible.

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