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Werringloer, Richard-Christian (2023). The Little Kite Flyer: How to teach our children the art of “flying”. 2nd Ed. Wiesbaden: WAPP Press, 2023. — ISBN 978-3-910225-17-6

Printed copy can be ordered on Amazon


About the book:

The Little Kite Flyer is a pedagogic book for parents and their children. Peppino, the little hero of the story, experiences various funny and instructive adventures with his parents and friends. Reading this book with your children serves to enhance their fantasy and to convey valuable lessons. Every adventure is followed by an explanation and parenting advice based on the transcultural principles of Positive Psychotherapy (PPT). The book aims to deepen parents’ understanding of the content and its implementation in their everyday life. Older children and adults can, of course, use the book as a personal life guide. The inspiration for The Little Kite Flyer arose from personal contact with Prof. Nossrat Peseschkian and his work with PPT. The author uses the deep symbolic values and reflective nature of stories, the joy of storytelling, and the healing power that comes from vivid images. Parents and children can use these to open the gates to their imagination, to interact playfully with the pedagogical content of PPT, and to develop new perspectives and views on life. Good stories are metaphorical inspirations that enable self-growth and reach deep into human souls—in particular, into those of growing and developing children. Legends, fables, and verses have served for hundreds of years as mirrors of the wisdom and reach of whole societies and cultures.

The adventures of the kite-flying school pupil, Peppino, are real pearls—they describe central rites of passage, developmental, and key interaction stages of children. The beautifully illustrated story is woven through with reflective material and systematic and practical tips inspired by Prof. Nossrat Peseschkian, the founder of Positive Psychotherapy.

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