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- ASLANYAN, L. (2024). Overcoming multilingual challenges: A Positive Psychotherapy approach to speech development in a bereaved child. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 191-195.
- TSIMASHENKA, H. (2024). Digital nomads and expats as an immigrant phenomenon: A case study. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 196-201.
- KATOSTROVSKII, O. (2024). Socio-historical features of the transcultural approach of Positive Psychotherapy using the “primary cause” methodology Reavisia. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 202-205.
- JAŹWIŃSKA-CHREN, A. (2024). Stories in psychotherapy – orality and writing. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 206-214.
- ТИЩЕНКО, М. [TYSHCHENKO, M.] (2024). Природа формирования смещения агрессии через инструменты Позитивной психотерапии [The nature of aggression displacement formation through the tools of Positive Psychotherapy]. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 215-222.
- SOKOLOVSKAYA, M. (2024). Enhancing supervisory practice in Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy through Artificial Intelligence. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 223-227.
- BOOK SECTION. Peseschkian, F. & Torres, D. (2024). About “Therapeutic Narration. Anecdotes & Aphorisms for Psychotherapy & Self-help”. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 228-229.
- WAPP news. July 2024.
DOI: 10.52982/197708
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Dear Readers,
Welcome to the latest issue of The Global Psychotherapist, a journal dedicated to advancing the field of Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy (PPT) as developed by Nossrat Peseschkian since 1977. This journal is essential for sharing insights, research, and practices within our PPT community, helping us grow and learn together.
Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy offers a unique approach to understanding and improving mental health by focusing on individual strengths and cultural diversity. Our journal serves as a platform for practitioners and researchers to share their findings and experiences, enriching our collective knowledge and enhancing our practice.
In this issue, we present a diverse collection of articles that reflect the innovative spirit of Positive Psychotherapy, organized into thematic sections:
Research and Innovations in PPT
1. Client’s Personality Structure and Conflict Attitude by Evgeniya Yordanova-Karageorgieva explores the relationship between personality traits and conflict-handling strategies.
2. A Journey to Self-Discovery by Ali Eryilmaz assesses the 52-week rebirth program using PPT methods, highlighting significant improvements in participants’ lives.
Preliminary Studies in PPT
3. Resilience in Ukrainian Military Personnel by Olena Chykhantsova and Artem Denchyk examines the factors that contribute to resilience among soldiers, emphasizing the role of personal capacities.
4. Conflict Reactions in Women with Alcohol Dependence by Elina Abdrakhmanova analyzes conflict processing in women struggling with alcohol dependence using the balance model.
Theoretical Reviews and Research
5. Therapeutic Process in Positive Psychosomatics by Arno Remmers outlines a five-step concept for forming therapeutic relationships in psychosomatic medicine.
6. Working with Transgenerational Trauma by Olga Lytvynenko and Olha Tereshchenko discusses the transmission and impact of transgenerational trauma using PPT principles.
7. Primary Capacities of Contact and Pleasure by Ivan Kirillov introduces a new series on refining primary capacities in PPT.
8. Specialized Therapy in Women’s Health by Elena Drazheva and Stiliyana Stamova calls for gender-sensitive approaches within PPT.
9. Integration of Positive Psychotherapy with Modern Psychotherapy by Borys Demyanenko and Iryna Uninets explores combining PPT with other therapeutic approaches.
Modern PPT practice
10. Conceptualizing Depressive Disorders by Roman Ciesielski provides insights into understanding and treating depression through PPT.
11. Positive Psychotherapy and Body Psychotherapy by Enver Cesko demonstrates how these two approaches can complement each other.
12. Helping Parents with Positive Parenting by Marina Bondareva offers practical tools for psychologists working with parents.
13. Positive Psychotherapy for Children with Autism by Veronika Ivanova presents ways PPT can assist children with autism and their families.
14. EmoCard Technique in Positive Psychotherapy by Iia Gordiienko-Mytrofanova introduces a new method for analyzing clients’ life problems.
PPT Cases
15. Positive Psychotherapy for Cancer Patients by Natalia Khandobina discusses supporting oncology patients through their journey with PPT tools.
16. Repressed Aggression and Psychosomatic Disorders by Zlatoslav Arabadzhiev and Stefanka Tomcheva presents cases of atopic dermatitis and hypertension related to repressed aggression.
17. Positive Psychotherapy for Self-Harming Behavior by Ferhan Açıkgöz and Tuğba Sarı shares a case study on treating self-harm with PPT.
18. Positive Psychotherapy for Bereaved Parents by Nadezhda Mileva and Zhorzheta Simeonova explores group therapy for parents who have lost a child.
19. Play Therapy Model in Positive Psychotherapy by Mine Soysal and Gülşen Varlıklı highlights the use of play therapy within PPT principles.
20. Positive Psychotherapy for Multilingual Children by Lilia Aslanyan discusses helping a bereaved child with speech development.
21. Digital Nomads and Expats in Positive Psychotherapy by Hanna Tsimashenka addresses mental health challenges faced by digital nomads and expatriates.
22. Transcultural Approach in Positive Psychotherapy by Oleh Katostrovskii explores using innovative trance techniques in therapy.
23. Stories in Psychotherapy by Anna Jaźwińska-Chren examines the therapeutic use of storytelling in PPT.
Special articles
24. Exploring Aggression Bias in Therapy by Mariia Tyshchenko investigates practical ways to address aggression bias using PPT tools.
25. Enhancing Supervisory Practice with AI by Margarita Sokolovskaya discusses the potential of artificial intelligence to support mental health professionals in supervisory roles.
Book Review
26. Therapeutic Narration: Anecdotes & Aphorisms for Psychotherapy & Self-help by Farid Peseschkian and Diego Torres provides an insightful review of therapeutic storytelling techniques and their applications in PPT.
We extend our deepest gratitude to all the authors for their contributions and to our dedicated editors, advisory board members, and technical secretaries who make this journal possible. We hope this issue inspires you and contributes to your practice and understanding of Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy.
Thank you for being a part of our community. Together, let’s continue to grow and develop this meaningful work.
The Editorial Board
The Global Psychotherapist,
Journal of Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy