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- SARI, S., PATIR, D. & BEDIR, M. (2024). Investigating the Effect of a Group Psychoeducation Program on Test Anxiety: Implementation of the Balance Model within the Context of Positive Psychotherapy. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 9-18.
- CESKO, E. (2024). Assessment of Basic Benefits of Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy in Working with a Group of Multicultural Students. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 19-23.
- DRAZHEVA, E. & STAMOVA, S. (2024). Study on the Ways of Accepting and Coping with the Endometriosis Diagnosis. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 24-32.
- ÖNER, S., KARACA, A. & ŞIŞMAN, N. Y.(2024). The Effect of Positive Psychotherapy-Based Resilience Program on Resilience in Nurses: A Study Protocol. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 33-42.
- NTARLA, I. & HUM, G. (2024). Resilience of Psychotherapists through the Lens of The Primary Capacities of Nossrat Peseschkian’s Positive Psychotherapy. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 43-55.
- WERNER, B. (2024). Resource-Oriented Work With Traumatized Patients. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 56-59.
- KIRILLOV, I. (2024). Emotions in Positum. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 60-72.
- REMMERS, A. (2024). Family Therapy as a Dynamic Balance of Action and Inaction. To Act or Not to Act – Dilemmas in Family Therapy. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 73-80.
- IVANOVA, V. (2024). Positive Psychotherapy to Support Medical Student Education. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 81-84.
- OLENICHENKO, I. (2024). The Use of Projective Methods in Positive Psychotherapy while Working with Clients with Psychosomatic Disorders. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 85-90.
- SEROVA, I. (2024). Perspectives of Applying Principles and Methods of Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy in Organizations. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 91-99.
- SHEREMETA, S. (2024). The Meaning and Role of the Body in Adolescents with Eating Disorders: a Description of the Meaning of the Symptom. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 100-103.
- UNCU, S. (2024). The Functionality of the Balance Model, one of the Positive Psychotherapy Inventories, on Panic Disorder in The Context of a Case. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 104-114.
- КУЗЬМИНА, Е. (2024). Сопровождение клиента в проживании утраты с опорой на принципы и ценности позитивной психотерапии. Случай из практики. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 115-120.
- PARRUCA, E. (2024). Positum MGS Coaching Protocol in the Framework of Positive Group Psychotherapy Training for Specialists Working with Groups of Children and Adults Affected by War, Disasters and Refugee Crises: a Case Study. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 121-131.
- NELA, A. (2024). Psychological Effects of Armed Conflicts on Children. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 132-138.
- MESSIAS, E. (2024). Poetry and Psychotherapy: the Case for Fernando Pessoa as a Therapist. Poetry as a Tool in Psychotherapy. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 139-145.
- BOOK REVIEW (2024): “The Matrix and Meaning of Character: an Archetypal and Developmental Approach” by Nancy J. Dougherty & Jacqueline J. West. Reviewed by Olga Lytvynenko. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 145-146
- OBITUARY: In loving memory of Dr. Gunther Hübner (*14.03.1957 † 16.10.2023)
- WAPP News – Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2024
DOI: 10.52982/197707
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Dear Readers,
It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the latest edition of “The Global Psychotherapist” Journal. As the editorial team, we are excited to present a diverse array of articles covering various aspects of Positive Psychotherapy (PPT) in our upcoming publication.
As we navigate crises, wars, and the myriad challenges of the modern world, the need for robust mental health support becomes increasingly evident. Each study, case, and training protocol presented herein contributes to the ongoing discourse on the critical role of psychotherapy in fostering resilience, understanding emotions, and promoting overall well-being. These contributions serve as beacons of hope, emphasizing the positive impact that psychotherapeutic practices can have on individuals and communities grappling with adversity.
The following edition of “The Global Psychotherapist” Journal encapsulates a diverse spectrum of studies and cases within Positive Psychotherapy (PPT), showcasing its relevance in addressing the complex psychological dimensions of our time. From healthcare professionals facing the rigors of their profession to multicultural students navigating new environments, and individuals coping with chronic ailments, these articles shed light on the transformative power of psychotherapeutic interventions.
Section: Preliminary Studies in PPT:
In the groundbreaking study, Tuğba Sari, Dilek Patir and Melikegül Bedir explores the impact of a Test Anxiety Group Psychoeducation Program, rooted in the Balance Model of Positive Psychotherapy, on the test anxiety of 14 high school students in Ankara, Turkey. The findings underscore the efficacy of targeted interventions in alleviating test anxiety among high school students.
Elmedina Cesko’s research sheds light on the benefits of Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy in multicultural student groups. The study, conducted in Turkey, aims to evaluate the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic methods in helping students navigate the challenges of adapting to a new environment.
Elena Drajeva and Slilyana Stamova present a pioneering study focusing on psychological support for women diagnosed with endometriosis. The research investigates the differences in coping mechanisms among patients who receive psychological support and those who do not, providing valuable insights into the role of Positive Psychotherapy in chronic illness.
Seda Öner, Aysel Karaca, Nuriye Yildirim Şişman explore the development and evaluation of a positive psychotherapy-based resilience program for nurses. Employing a randomized controlled design with a sample size of 72, the study measures nurses’ resilience levels through pre-test, post-test, and a 3rd-month follow-up. Findings highlight the effectiveness of the program in enhancing nurses’ resilience and well-being.
Ioana Ntarla and Gabriella Hum explore the correlation between psychotherapists’ resilience and the primary capacities of Nossrat Peseschkian’s Positive Psychotherapy theory. The study spans across various countries, suggesting that developing primary capacities enhances therapists’ resilience in the face of professional challenges.
Section: Modern Practice in PPT:
Birgit Werner’s article introduces a resource-oriented approach to trauma therapy using Positive Psychotherapy. The author emphasizes the activation of existing abilities, contributing to the stabilization and integration of traumatic experiences in patients.
Ivan Kirillov’s article delves into the intricate world of emotions in psychotherapy. Grounded in theoretical frameworks, it seeks to develop a comprehensive definition of emotions applicable in both theoretical and practical aspects of psychotherapy.
Arno Remmers explores ethical questions in family therapy, emphasizing the need for a differential family therapy based on evidence and outcome-based studies. The article discusses principles, methods, and ethical dilemmas in the context of psychodynamic therapy.
Veronika Ivanova’s report highlights the benefits of Positive Psychotherapy in medical education. Drawing on more than a decade of experience, the author showcases how Positive Psychotherapy aids medical students in developing therapeutic listening skills and understanding psychosomatic relationships.
Igor Olenichenko discusses the integration of projective methods in Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy to explore hidden aspects of clients’ personalities and conflicts. The article emphasizes the synergy achieved by combining projective methods with the five-step strategy, balance model, and other PPT techniques.
Irina Serova’s article explores the application of Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy in organizational settings. With over two decades of international management and psychotherapy practice, the author discusses the importance of promoting mental health within professional environments.
Section: PPT Cases:
Serhii Sheremeta’s article delves into the understanding of the function of eating disorder symptoms in adolescents. Based on Positive Psychotherapy principles, the article emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing the role of symptoms in psychotherapeutic processes.
Sultan Uncu’s study examines the functionality of the balance model, an inventory in Positive Psychotherapy, in treating panic disorder. Through a case study approach, the article highlights how the balance model contributes to insight, symptom recognition, and positive development in individuals with panic disorder.
Ekaterina Kuzmina’s article explores the use of Positive Psychotherapy tools in accompanying clients through bereavement. The study focuses on the impact of grief crises on actual abilities, the balance model, and therapeutic tactics, providing insights into the dynamics of therapy.
Section: PPT Training:
Etion Parruca continues to introduce us the Positum MGS coaching protocol within the framework of Positive Group Psychotherapy training. The article highlights the importance of using psychosocial transcultural games as resilience-building tools in groups affected by war, disasters, and refugee crises.
Section: Special Articles:
Alfred Nela’s comprehensive article provides an overview of the psychological impact of armed conflicts on children. Based on a systematic review of literature, the study emphasizes the importance of identifying, diagnosing, and providing psychosocial support for children affected by war trauma.
Erick Messias explores the use of poetry, particularly the works of Fernando Pessoa, as a tool in psychotherapy. The article argues for the therapeutic value of Pessoa’s poetry in supporting individuals through the process of healing.
Olga Lytvynenko’s review of “The Matrix and Meaning of Character: An Archetypal and Developmental Approach” by Nancy J. Dougherty and Jacqueline J. West highlights its unique perspective on character typology. The authors ingeniously use fairy tales and archetypal imagery to delve into nine-character structures linked to early development and archetypal themes. The review underscores the book’s alignment with positive psychotherapy principles, emphasizing the exploration of abilities, resources, and potentials within each individual.
As we draw the curtain on this enriching edition of “The Global Psychotherapist” Journal, we are saddened to share an OBITUARY in loving memory of Dr. Gunther Hübner (*14.03.1957 † 16.10.2023). Dr. Hübner’s profound contributions to Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy, as recognized by the German Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy (DGPP) and the Peseschkian Foundation, leave an indelible mark on our community.
In the spirit of continuity and shared knowledge, the WAPP news sections feature the latest updates from the Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy community. These updates serve as a testament to the vibrancy of our field and the collective commitment to advancing positive mental health practices worldwide. We hope that these articles contribute to the evolving landscape of Positive Psychotherapy and inspire practitioners, researchers, and educators in the field. We extend our deepest gratitude to all contributors, readers, and our esteemed community for your unwavering support. Together, we continue to foster a global dialogue that promotes well-being and resilience through Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to your insightful feedback.
The Editorial Board
The Global Psychotherapist,
Journal of Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy