Related articles:
- ERYILMAZ, A., BATUM, D. (2023). Examination of Impulsivity in Positive Psychotherapy Structures. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 8-18.
- KIRRILOV, I., EFREMOVA, P., DOBIALA, E., PLESHAKOV, I. (2023). Primary Capacities as a Predictor of Perceived Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in the Pandemic Crisis of Covid-19. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 19-29.
- ZAREK, A. (2023). Correlates of the Wiesbaden Scale for Positive Psychotherapy and Family Therapy 2.0 in 93 Polish Female Students of Psychotherapy. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 30-37.
- GALLI, F. (2023). An Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Approach Between Medical Education and Positive Transcultural Psychotherapy to Lead Suicide Prevention Strategy for Healthcare Students and Healthcare Workers. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 38-44.
- PARRUCA, E. (2023). Positive Group Therapy Through Traditional Games with a Positum MGS Approach for Building Resilience Against Trauma in Times of Pandemics, War and Earthquakes: Theoretical Considerations and Practical Applications of “The Witches” Game. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 45-56.
- KIRILLOV, I. (2023). Evaluation Criteria for Psychosomatic Practice. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 57-69.
- REMMERS, A. (2023). Attachment, Trauma, and Ways to Inner Confidence in Positive Psychodynamic Therapy. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 70-75.
- WERRINGLOER, R.-C. (2023). Operationalizing and Visualizing Psychodynamics in Positive Psychotherapy (PPT). The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 76-88.
- OLENICHENKO, I. (2023). Application of VR-Technology Methods in Psychology and Psychotherapy. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 89-95.
- FRANZEN, G. (2023). Positive Psychotherapy and Art. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 96-108.
- KYRYCHENKO, S. (2023). Existential Aspects of Positive Psychotherapy: Answers to the Challenges of Wartime. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 109-113.
- КІТЧАК, Т. [KITCHAK, T.] (2023). Феноменологічні аспекти психотерапевтичної роботи із актуальною здібністю «Надія» у часі війни [Phenomenological Aspects of Psychotherapeutic Work with the Actual Ability of “Hope” in Wartime]. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 114-118.
- DROZHZHYNA, V. (2023). Microaggressions as a Symptom: Understanding and Addressing Subtle Hostility in Positive Psychotherapy. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 119-124.
- URSICA, R. (2023). An Overview of the Mental Health Services in England and the Role of the Psychotherapist in this Context. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 125-129.
- ЧЕБАРЫКОВА, С. [CHEBARYKOVA, S.], КУКЛИНА, И. [KUKLINA, I.], ГАРДНЕР, АЮ [GARDNER, A.] (2023). Транскультуральный аспект построения профессиональных отношений психолога и клиента с видимым отличием [The Transcultural Aspect of Building Professional Relationships Between a Psychologist and a Client with a Visible Difference]. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 130-140.
- АЙКАЗУНИ, А. [HAYKAZUNI, A.] (2023). Первичные актуальные способности личности, проиллюстрированные в Библии [The Primary Actual Capacities of the Individual Illustrated in the Bible]. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 141-146.
- OKORO, J. (2023). Patients Encounter with Diagnoses and Illness in Transcultural Perspective. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 147-152.
- PESESCHKIAN, H. (2023). Once Upon a Time there was a Gray Chameleon: A Documented Treatment of a Patient with Borderline Personality Disorder with Positive Psychotherapy from the Perspective of the Patient and the Therapist. The Global Psychotherapist, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 153-166.
- WAPP News – Vol. 3, No. 2, July 2023
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Dear Readers,
Welcome to the new issue of “The Global Psychotherapist” PPT Journal, Volume 3, Number 2, for July 2023. As we embark on this new edition, we find ourselves in a world grappling with numerous challenges and complexities. The evolving nature of our society, marked by war, migration issues, religious conflicts, and diverse cultural perspectives, necessitates a deeper understanding of the transcultural aspects of psychotherapy. Furthermore, the increasing prevalence of mental health disorders calls for innovative approaches and comprehensive solutions. Psychotherapists play a vital role in providing support and guidance to individuals facing diverse diagnoses and illnesses, bridging the gap between cultural differences and the universal need for healing.
Within this issue, we aim to shed light on the multifaceted issues faced by psychotherapists around the globe and showcase the innovative approaches and research being conducted in the field. We have curated a diverse collection of articles that delve into the realms of mental health, therapy techniques, and emerging trends, all aimed at providing valuable insights and practical guidance for professionals in the field.
We begin with the section on “Research and Innovation in Positive Psychotherapy”, Ali Eryilmaz and Dilay Batum contribute with their article “Examination of Impulsivity in Positive Psychotherapy Structures.” Focusing on impulse control problems among adolescents, the authors explore the predictive role of primary and secondary capabilities in impulsive behavior. Through a study involving 225 male adolescents, they find that both primary and secondary capabilities significantly predict impulsivity. Notably, hope from the primary capabilities and orderliness, diligence, reliability, and obedience from the secondary capabilities emerge as significant predictors. The colleagues, Ivan Kirillov, Polina Efremova, Ewa Dobiala, and Ivan Pleshakov, present a thought-provoking article titled “Primary Capacities as a Predictor of Perceived Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in the Pandemic Crisis of COVID-19. Through an international survey of 1165 respondents, they discover a significant correlation between lower levels of integration of specific primary capacities and higher levels of perceived depression, anxiety, and stress. These findings not only contribute to our understanding of the impact of primary capacities but also emphasize their relevance in times of crisis. Furthermore, we feature an article by Aleksandra Zarek, which conducts a correlational analysis among concepts used in positive psychotherapy, social competences, attachment styles, and stress-coping strategies in a sample of 93 female students of psychotherapy. The results reveal interesting correlations between social competences and secondary capabilities, as well as attachment styles and primary capabilities and model dimensions.
In the realm of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches, Fabio Galli presents an article titled “An Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Approach between Medical Education and Positive Transcultural Psychotherapy to Lead to a Suicide-Prevention Strategy for Healthcare Students and Healthcare Workers.” Galli emphasizes the importance of addressing suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and completed suicides through collaborative interventions involving medical education, counseling/psychotherapy, and Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy (PPT).
In the section “PPT Training”, we explore the power of traditional games as instruments in Positive Group Therapy. Etion Parruca in the article “Positive Group Therapy Through Traditional Games with a Positum MGS Approach for Building Resilience Against Trauma in Times of Pandemics, War and Earthquakes: Theoretical Considerations and Practical Applications of “The Witches” Game” demonstrates how these games can be transformed into psycho-social tools, fostering resilience and promoting healing in groups affected by trauma resulting from pandemics, wars, and natural disasters.
Continuing our journey, we move to the section “Modern PPT Practice”, where we explore cutting-edge advancements in positive psychotherapy. One article by Ivan Kirillov introduces the “Evaluation Criteria for Psychosomatic Practice”, which provides clinicians with a comprehensive list of criteria to diagnose and treat somatic disorders, taking into account psychosocial factors. By incorporating significant psychodynamic factors and offering a balanced framework for assessment, treatment planning, and outcome monitoring, the ECPP enhances clinical understanding and facilitates improved treatment outcomes. Another article from Arno Remmers focuses on the application of positive psychodynamic therapy in addressing attachment, trauma, and inner confidence. It highlights the structured treatment process, starting with stabilization and leading to integration, to restore confidence and balance in individuals who have experienced traumatic events. This approach aims to address the profound impact of trauma on health, relational patterns, and conflict reactions. The section also presents a novel conflict model for operationalizing and visualizing psychodynamics within the context of positive psychotherapy, presented in the article by Richard-Christian Werringloer. By considering different inner conflicts simultaneously or sequentially, this model provides a comprehensive understanding of a patient’s motivations and psychodynamic responses, further enhancing the practice of Positive Psychotherapy. Igor Olenichenko explores the application of VR-technology methods in psychology and psychotherapy. The article discusses the potential of virtual reality (VR) technologies in treating phobias, psychosomatic disorders, and other psychophysical conditions. This emerging field offers deep immersion in virtual reality, providing new avenues for working with psychosomatics and phobias. Georg Franzen delves into the relationship between positive psychotherapy and art. While art therapy and PPT have distinct theoretical and practical concepts, they intersect when psychological conflicts are expressed through artistic means or stories. The article explores how art therapy can be integrated into the resource-oriented practice of Positive Psychotherapy, offering a unique approach to self-expression and healing.
In the section “Psychotherapeutic Work during Wartime”, Svitlana Kyrychenko explores the existential aspects of PPT and its unique ability to provide answers to the challenges faced during times of war and presents the author’s perspective on various levels of psychological assistance that can be provided in crisis situations. The second article by Tetiana Kitchak focuses on the phenomenological aspects of psychotherapeutic work specifically related to the actual ability of “hope” during wartime. It highlights the dynamic and unpredictable nature of war and the crucial role of hope in the psychotherapeutic process
The “Special Articles” section delves into specific topics related to positive psychotherapy and explores their implications for therapeutic practice. The article of Vanda Drozhzhyna examines the concept of microaggressions, which are subtle forms of hostility experienced by marginalized individuals. It discusses the interconnectedness of aggression and microaggressions in contemporary society, considering power dynamics and critical social theories. The article emphasizes how PPT uniquely addresses microaggressions by transforming negative experiences into opportunities for personal growth. Turning our attention to mental health services, Raluca Ursica presents an overview of the current landscape in England and the vital role of psychotherapists within this context. The author addresses concerns regarding the reliance on psychotropic medication and advocates for a comprehensive approach that integrates both pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. The article of the colleagues Svetlana Chebarykova, Irina Kuklina and Anna Gardner focuses on building professional relationships between psychologists and clients with visible differences in appearance. It justifies the use of the concept of “visible difference” to accurately describe individuals with distinctive physical features related to health conditions. The article advocates for a transcultural approach in establishing professional relationships, leveraging differences as resources to assist clients. The next unique article by Anahit Haykazuni explores the primary actual capacities of individuals as illustrated in the Bible. It presents N. Peseschkian’s proposed primary actual capacities, as demonstrated through the behavior, actions, and relationships of biblical characters and suggests that biblical stories and parables can be utilized as tools for the development of primary abilities, aiding clients in visualizing their situations and finding solutions to their problems.
The “PPT Cases” section presents real-practice case studies that highlight the application of positive psychotherapy in diverse clinical scenarios. John Okoro’s article explores patients’ encounters with diagnoses from a transcultural perspective. The author presents three cases to illustrate how different traditions approach patients with various illnesses and establish diagnoses for organic and psychological problems. Drawing from the author’s extensive experience working with individuals from different cultural backgrounds, the article adopts an analytic and descriptive approach, offering valuable illustrations and emphasizing the need to expand our understanding beyond our own perspectives. The article by Hamid Peseschkian focuses on the treatment of a patient with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) using Positive Psychotherapy. The article concludes with the therapist’s comments, offering insight into the countertransference experienced during the treatment. Furthermore, it discusses the therapeutic techniques employed, such as writing, homework assignments, storytelling, and bibliotherapy. The article calls for more innovative approaches to treating borderline disorders.
Lastly, we explore the latest news from the World Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy. The WAPP Board shares exciting implementations and inspiring plans for the development of the “positum” community and the method of positive psychotherapy.
Nossrat Peseschkian had the conviction that every individual possesses unique strengths, resources, and capacities, akin to a precious pearl hidden within a protective shell. This concept underlies the essence of positive psychotherapy, which seeks to uncover and nurture these inner potentials to promote personal growth and resilience.
We hope that this collection of articles expands your knowledge, stimulates further exploration, and sparks meaningful discussions within the field of psychology and psychotherapy. Each article presents a unique perspective and valuable insights from distinguished authors. We extend our deepest gratitude to these authors for their valuable contributions as well as the whole team Editorial Board, International Scientific and Advisory Boards and well as secretaries and language editors!
In conclusion, let us remember the importance of research in positive psychotherapy. It is through rigorous investigation and continuous exploration that we can further advance our understanding and refine our practices. We invite you, dear readers, colleagues to contribute to our journal: share your thoughts, ideas, reflections and experiences in your articles. See you in new issues!
The Editorial Board
The Global Psychotherapist,
Journal of Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy