Abstract. This article focuses on the transcultural aspects of the Peseschkian Balance Model. The goal was to conduct a preliminary study of the balance models of Russian and Chinese respondents, to carry out quantitative characteristics of the balance model of the two groups and to compare out quantitative characteristics of the balance model of the Russian and Chinese sample group. Object of research: settlements in Russia and China according to N. Peseschkian ‘s balance model. Objectives: to form two control groups for the study; create a questionnaire in Russian and Chinese for conducting research; study the population model of China (Group 1) using a questionnaire; study the model of the population of Russia (Group 2) using a questionnaire; to carry out a comparative analysis of quantitative indicators of Group 1 and Group 2 in four areas of the balance model N. Peseschkian. It was measured the quantitative parameters of the four spheres of the balance model of Group 1 and Group 2 and compared the quantitative parameters. It was found that the sphere of meanings and the sphere of contacts are quantitatively differ little in Group 1 and Group 2, and in the spheres of activity and the sphere of the body there are significant quantitative differences Group 1 and Group 2. Detailed results of the study were displayed in tables and diagrams.
Keywords: Positive Psychotherapy, Balance Model, Russia, China, transculturality.