Main Theme: “Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy as a Bridge between Cultures”
13-15 October 2023, Tbilisi, Georgia
- Presentations provided by the speakers of the First International Caucasian Conference on Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy “Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy as a Bridge between Cultures” in .pdf format:
- Kirillov, Ivan_”Mental Helath for Doctors”
- Marselle, Andre_”Meaning as the Ultimate Therapeutic goal: implications: for Psychotherapy”
- Natia Badridze_”Storytelling and Neuroscience”
- Raluca Ursica_”Clinical Will”
- Maksim Goncharov_”Cultural shock Actual capabilities as the keys”
- Eryilmaz, Guygu_”Investigation of the Effectiveness of Positive Group Psychotherapy:A Sample from Türkiye”
- Anna Jazwinska Chren_”Stories in psychotherapy, Orality and Writing”
- Andre Marselle_”The existential Model of Culture and Diversity and the Counselor Orientation”
- Kantcheva, Hum_”The psychodynamic of shame”
- Anna Jazwinska-Chren_Positive Pedagogy