PPT Journal “The Global Psychotherapist”
The Global Psychotherapist (JGP) is an interdisciplinary digital journal devoted to Positive Psychotherapy (PPT after Peseschkian, since 1977)™. This peer-reviewed semi-annual journal publishes articles on experiences with and the application of the humanistic-psychodynamic method of Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy.
“The Global Psychotherapist” Journal publishes the original research results of the relative application of the concepts of Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy, scientific-theoretical and practical materials on psychology and psychotherapy referring with the development of the PPT method.
The journal is published twice a year – in January and July. The languages of articles are: English, Russian and Ukrainian.
All incoming articles are reviewed according to the double-blind peer review procedure. All articles are accepted for publication free of charge.
Editorial office – journal@positum.org
ISSN: 2710-1460 (online)
Journal’s DOI: 10.52982/197700
Copyright terms
The Journal supports open access policy based on the principle of free distribution of scientific information and global knowledge exchange for common social progress.
Repository policy
Authors publishing under any license allowed by the journal retain all rights. Editorial Policy of the Journal allows published version (Version of Record) of their articles to be deposited in an institutional or other repository of the author’s choice without embargo.
Licensing terms
The Journal uses Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0).
The JGP is currently archived:
The JGP is currently indexed in:
The JGP in Google Scholar

- The average time during which the preliminary assessment of manuscripts is conducted: 7
- The average time during which the reviews of manuscripts are conducted: 15
- The average time in which the article is published: 45
References from previously published articles of this Journal are encouraged. You can find the list of all published in “The Global Psychotherapist” here.
The languages of articles are: English, Russian and Ukrainian. Each article must have abstracts in English and for Russian and Ukrainian articles – in English and in origin language.
For English language editing, authors may ask our English language editor, Dr. Dorothy Martin (USA/Albania), for assistance. This service is free-of-charge for authors. But, this is only for editing, not for translation– email via journal@positum
The journal publishes three categories of articles:
1. Scientific sections:
– Research and innovation in PPT
– Preliminary study in PPT
2. Practical sections:
– PPT cases
– PPT training
– Special articles
3. Book reviews and letters to the editors are also accepted for publication (the category is not indexed).
For article’s formatting, including information about the authors, the Editorials ask authors to use special templates.
- For scientific sections: Template for scientific articles
- For practical sections: Template for practical articles
- Book reviews and letters are accepted in free form.
Articles are accepted in DOC, DOCX, RTF format.
Working with templates, we kindly ask you to keep the editorial elements (text formatting, font, spacing, as well as structure) indicated in the template and replace only the text itself.
Formatting of references is also indicated inside the template.
To submit an article, please send the completed
1) Author consent form along with
2) the manuscript file “Article_name of the author” to the address of the email address journal@positum.org, drawn up in a special template given in this paragraph above.
All the authors of the article should be included in the first correspondence with the editorial staff.
Scientific and practical articles – up to 3300 words (larger volume is allowed on an individual agreement with the editorial board). Book reviews and letters to the editors – up to 1000 words.
An abstract in English should be attached to scientific and practical articles. For articles in Russian annotations in English and Russian are required. Keywords: 3 to 5 keywords should be presented below the abstract.
References from previously published articles of this Journal are encouraged. You can find the list of all published in “The Global Psychotherapist” here:
Preparing the article, authors should be guided by the following rules:
- Review of the articles for publication takes at least 8 weeks.
- The editorial board of the journal is committed to publishing only original material, i.e., material that has neither been published elsewhere, nor is under review elsewhere. Previously published articles will be discarded.
- All articles shall be accepted for publishing free of charge, on a first in first out principle.
- The articles, which do not correspond to our rules, will be rejected.
- All incoming articles are reviewed according to the double-blind peer review procedure. Review is anonymous. Correspondence with the reviewer is carried out by executive secretary. After final decision on acceptance or rejection of the work, all authors will receive an information letter with notification on reading.
- “The Global Psyhotherapist” Journal uses software “Duplichecker” to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. Manuscripts in which plagiarism or textual borrowings are found without reference to the original source are rejected by the editorial board for publication in the journal. The editorial board of the journal judge any case of plagiarism on its own merits. If plagiarism is detected, either by editors or reviewers at any stage before publication of a manuscript, the author(s) will be alerted asking him/her to either rewrite the text or quote the text exactly and cite the original source.
- Editorial board does not provide author’s copies of the journal. The journal is published online. The entire archive of issues with free access is available on the official website of the Journal.
- All articles are accepted for publication free of charge.
- References from previously published articles of this Journal are encouraged. List of all articles
- All articles are checked by linguistic editors:
English language – Dr. Dorothea Martin (Albania)
Russian language – Dr. Kateryna Lytvynenko (Ukraine)
Ukrainian language – Dr. Kateryna Lytvynenko (Ukraine)
- Editorial board reserve the right to edit articles submitted for publication.
- Full Editorial policy document
- Olga Lytvynenko (Ukraine), Dr. of Science (Psychology), Professor, Odesa National Medical University, Master Trainer PPT, WAPP Board member, e-mail: dr.olgalytvynenko@gmail.com
- Erick Messias (USA), MD, MPH, PhD, Professor and Department Chair of Psychiatry – Saint Louis University School of Medicine, USA, email: erick.messias@ssmhealth.com
- Liudmyla Serdiuk (Ukraine). Dr. of Science (Psychology), Professor. Head of the Laboratory of Psychology of Personality, Kostiuk Institute of Psychology NAES of Ukraine, Master Trainer of Positive Psychotherapy, e-mail: Lzserdyuk15@gmail.com
- Ali Eryilmaz (Türkiye), PhD, Professor at Faculty of Education of Yildiz Technical University (Turkey), PPT Basic Trainer, e-mail: erali76@hotmail.com
- Roman Ciesielski (Poland), Ph.D., M.D, Certified psychotherapist and supervisor of Polish Psychiatric Association, Certified psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer of PPT, President of Polish Association for Psychotherapy Development, Member of Experts Committee appointed by Ministry of Health, e-mail: romcie66@gmail.com
- Elif B. Unsal Ozberk (UK), PhD, CPsychol, FHEA, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, School of Human & Social Sciences, Buckinghamshire New University, e-mail: elif.ozberk@bucks.ac.uk
- Andre R Marseille (USA), Phd, LPC. Lecturer at the Department of Counseling and Psychology, Chicago State University. Director at Safepaces Counseling, Coaching and Consulting Services, e-mail: dr.dre@safepaces.com
- Yevhen Karpenko (Ukraine), DSc. in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Practical Psychology, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Certified Positive Psychotherapist, member of the WAPP, e-mail: psiholog_pp@ukr.net
- Galina Kabadzhova (Bulgaria), PhD, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, Head Assistant Professor at Sofia University st. Kliment Ohridski, researcher and consultant at the Center for psychological research and consultations (CPRC), e-mail: g.kabadzhova@analysingminds.com
- Shridhar Sharma (India), M.B.B.S, MD., D.P.M., FRC PSY (London); FRANZCP (Australia), FAMS, DFAPA (USA), Emeritus Professor in psychiatry, National Academy of Medical Sciences (Nams) of India, e-mail:sharma.shridhar@gmail.com
- Olga Kuprieieva (Ukraine), Dr. of Science (Psychology), Associate Professor S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the NAES of Ukraine (Kyiv. Ukraine), e-mail: consultok0804@gmail.com
- Zlatoslav Arabadzhiev (Bulgaria), MD, PhD. Master Degree in Psychology, Psychiatrist. Head Assistant Professor – Medical University Plovdiv Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology. Certified Positive Psychotherapist, PPT Master Training participant, member of WAPP and Bulgarian Psychiatry Association. Lecturer in Department of Postgraduate Education in Medical University Plovdiv. Advanced Training in Adlerian Case Conceptualization. e-mail: zlatolini@gmail.com
- Arno Remmers (Germany), MD, psychotherapist, International Trainer PPT, private lecturer and supervisor at the Wiesbaden Academy for Psychotherapy (WIAP), e-mail: arno@arem.de
- Ivan Kirillov (Turkey), MD, PhD, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, international Master Trainer and supervisor for PPT, corporate trainer and executive coach, member of Executive Board of Directors of WAPP, author of 4 books and more than 30 articles, e-mail: ivan_kirillov@mail.ru
- Maksim Chekmarev (Russia), MD, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, international Master Trainer of WAPP, director of Amur center for positive psychotherapy, Lecturer of the Department of the Public Health in Amur State Medical Academy, e-mail: pontific3@yandex.ru
- Anna Wyszadko (Poland), Ph.D. in medical and health sciences, Basic trainer of PPT; Committee member at WAPP, at Polish association for EMDR therapy; member of Pomeranian Institute for Psycho-oncology, ESTD and PTPO, email: annawyszadko@gmail.com
- Olena Chykhantsova (Ukraine), Dr. of Science (Psychology), Senior Researcher of the Chamata Laboratory of Psychology of Personality at Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine. Author of more than 70 publications, e-mail: chyhantsova@gmail.com
- Tuğba Sarı (Türkiye), PhD, Associated Professor at Counseling Psychology Department of Akdeniz University (Antalya-Türkiye), WAPP Master Trainer, e-mail: saritugba75@gmail.com
- Todor S. Simeonov (Bulgaria), Ph.D., Researcher at the Institute of Rhetoric and Communications (Sofia, Bulgaria), Certified Positive Psychotherapist (ECP holder), Clinical Psychologist and Global Director of Employee Wellbeing at Sutherland, member of the editorial board of the Rhetoric and Communication e-Journal, e-mail: info@todorsimeonov.eu
- Oleksandra Nizdran(Ukraine), PhD, Associate Professor of the department of clinical psychology, Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv, Ukraine), Basic Trainer in PPT, clinical psychologist at Ternopil regional communal clinical psycho-neurological hospital, e-mail: nizdran@ucu.edu.ua
- Petya Dimitrova Terziivanova-Argirova (Bulgaria), MD, PhD, psychiatrist and resident in Child and adolescent psychiatry at Mental Health Centre ”Prof. Nikola Shipkovenski” LTD, Sofia, Bulgaria; Assist. Prof. at Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski”, Medical Department of Psychiatry; certified positive psychotherapist, email: petyater@yahoo.com
- Polina Efremova (Russia), psychologist, business-trainer, Master Trainer in PPT, Head of Moscow Center of Positive Psychotherapy, general manager of PPT in Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League, author of several scientific articles in Russian and international journals, e-mail: poromesh@gmail.com
- Ewa Dobiała (Poland), MD, specialist in psychiatry and environmental therapy, certified psychotherapist and supervisor-applicant of Polish Psychiatric Association, international trainer of Positive and Transсultural Psychotherapy, e-mail: edobiala@gmail.com
- Aleksandra Zarek (Poland) – Ph.D. in Psychology, Certified Psychotherapist and Basic Trainer of Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy, employee of the Department of Humanistic Medical Sciences of the Medical University of Wroclaw and member of the therapeutic team at Wroclaw Institute of Psychotherapy, e-mail: aleksandra.a.zarek@gmail.com
- Liudmyla Moskalenko (Ukraine), PhD, Associate Professor (Chair of Psychology and Pedagogic, Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute), candidate Master Trainer for PPT, Board Member of Ukrainian Institute of Positive Psychotherapy, President of Ukrainian Association of Positive Psychotherapy, e-mail: mosluds@gmail.com.
- Nataliia Kovalenko (Ukraine): Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor (Psychology), Professor of the Psychology Department of Sumy Makarenko State Pedagogical University, e-mail: NatalyaKovalenko@i.ua
Secretary – journal@positum.org
English – Dr. Dorothea Martin (USA/ Albania) – journal@positum.org
Russian and Ukrainian – Dr. Kateryna Lytvynenko (Ukraine) – journal@positum.org