Dr. Sheyda Rafat receives the Positive Psychotherapy Award 2019
The Positive Psychotherapy Award was established in 2000 during the 2nd World Congress of Positive Psychotherapy in Wiesbaden, Germany. Since then, 31 award winners have been honoured for their support and promotion of Positive Psychotherapy worldwide in the fields of training, education, publication and innovation.
This year, the Professor Peseschkian Foundation has honoured Dr. Sheyda Rafat in recognition of her continued support and achievements in the development of Positive Psychotherapy training in different countries.
Dr. Sheyda Rafat was born in Iran. After graduating from school, she spent some years living in Madagascar and then Turkey, where she graduated from university with degrees in psychology and education. Finally, she found her second home in Germany where she earned her PhD .
Thanks to her biography, Dr. Sheyda Rafat embodies transcultural experiences. She has given trainings in Positive Psychotherapy in many different countries.
The Positive Psychotherapy Award 2019 was handed over to Dr. Sheyda Rafat in a ceremony during the 7th World Congress of Positive Psychotherapy in October 2019.