After 2 years of intensive work, the first book worldwide which combines positive psychology, positive psychotherapy, and positive psychiatry, has been published. 49 authors from 13 countries and 5 continents. The eBook version was published in January 2020, and you can download the introduction and the abstracts free of charge.
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Farid, Hamid, Manije, Catherine and Leyla Peseschkian, Germany Ivan Kirillov, Russia/Turkey Erick Messias, USA Tugba Sari, Turkey Dilip Jeste, USA Andre Marseille, USA Hamid Peseschkian, Germany Ferdinand Mitterlehner and Claudia Christ, Germany Solomon Abebe, Ethiopia Ewa Dobiala, Poland Board of the German Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy (DGPP) Maksim Goncharov, Russia Ebru Sinici, Turkey Gabriela Hum, Romania Dr. Romika Dhar, USA Dr. Olga Lytvynenko and SUIPPM (Odesa, Ukraine) Tetyana Zhumaty, Ukraine Enver Cesko, Kosovo Lyudmila Zlatova, Ukraine Prof. Ali Eryilmaz from Turkey Snezhanka Dimitrova, Bulgaria Ebru Cakici, Cyprus