Dear members of the World Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy (WAPP),
We hope to find you well.
In October/November 2022 a new Board of Directors of the World Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy will be elected for the years 2022-2024. You can help WAPP continue the successful worldwide work of Positive Psychotherapy. WAPP needs and welcomes active participation of its members.
Election of a new WAPP Board of Directors 2022-2024
Call for nominations:
If you like to nominate someone who suits this position, please proceed as described in the following. As it is a democratic election, every member can vote for the 7 persons he or she feels suitable. However, the more diverse the Board, the better (women/men, young/seniors, from different countries etc.).
Nomination Process :
- Everyone who is a full member of WAPP in good standing (paid current fees) can be nominated.
- You can nominate one or more persons by sending an email with full name and country of the nominated person to the WAPP Head Office at
- Nomination period ends on Sunday, 2 October 2022.
- Nominees will be contacted by the Head Office and be asked to give some information on their person, occupation, and ideas of their work as Board member, as well as a photo and acceptance of election notice. The nominee will receive a special form to fill in and send back.
- The candidates’ information will be announced to all WAPP members by email and on the WAPP website to get acquainted with them.
- All candidates who have provided the necessary information will be able to be elected by electronic vote.
- Only full members are entitled to make their votes. They need to have paid their membership fees at least until 2021. If you haven’t paid, you cannot vote.
- The result of the election will be announced at the general member assembly on 26 November 2022, at 15:15 CET (online via ZOOM during the PPT online World Conference).
- The electronic votes will be processed by the online election tool “Election Runner” which guarantees utmost confidentiality.
- Electronic voting period will be 10 October – 13 November 2022.
Note: Late nominations or those which do not meet these requirements will not be accepted.
Please find a detailed version of the call for nominations HERE
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the Head Office.
Thank you for your suggestions and valuable contribution!
Best regards,
WAPP Board and Head Office