Below please find the candidates for Board Member you can vote for.  They are in alphabetical order, so please scroll down all the way to the end of the site to see all candidates.

In total we have had 31 nominations. Thank you for nomination them and showing them your trust and confidence. Out of these, 22 persons have accepted their nomination. They are from 12 different countries.

As this is a democratic election without propaganda, each nominee has been asked to fill out a questionnaire. Please find a self-description of the candidates in the candidate forms:

The election will only be possible by electronic vote.

Election period will start when you receive the invitation email of our voting portal and ends on 13 November 2022.

  • Every voter has 7 votes
  • Please make your vote for the 7 candidates you wish to elect to the Board.
  • The seven persons who get most of the votes will be the future Board members.

Only full members are entitled to make their votes. They need to have paid their membership fees at least until 2021. If you haven’t paid, you cannot vote.
The result of the election will be announced at the general member assembly on 26 November 2022, at 16:00 CET (online via ZOOM during the PPT online World Conference).
The electronic votes will be processed by the online election tool “Election Runner” which guarantees utmost confidentiality.

Thank you for participating in this important election!