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More and more countries and organizations expect from different professions (medical doctors, psychotherapists, teachers etc.) an ongoing process of developing, maintaining, and documenting one´s professional skills, knowledge, and development. After long preparation, there will be a from September 2024 on a CPD system in WAPP: Positive Psychotherapists and PPT Trainers have to update and develop their knowledge and skills continuously. This commitment demonstrates and ensures professional competence, high standards, good quality service, and accountability for the public.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is mandatory for re-registration as a Positive Psychotherapist and for holders of Basic and Master Trainer certificates.

About CPD in different languages (not revised machine translation. English is a main reference document):

You are required to complete an average of 50 credits of CPD per year as a psychotherapist (250 credits/ 5 years) and an additional 20 credits per year (100 credits/5 years) if you are a WAPP trainer (Basic or Master Trainer).

The total number of CPD credits should not consist of more than 30% from any one listed CPD category. For almost all the activities 1 hour = 1 credit

CPD should be checked every 5 years by WAPP HO for each member.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for psychotherapists

This category of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is available in various formats, including:

  1. Attend advanced or additional post qualification professional psychodynamic psychotherapy training
  2. Participate in professional supervision for psychotherapy practice, clinical work, or group sessions and attend peer supervision
  3. Attend group or personal self-discovery in a psychodynamic method
  4. Attend, present papers, and conduct workshops at psychotherapy conferences, symposiums, summer schools, or congresses.
  5. Engage in professional activities within the field of psychotherapy, such as being elected as a board or committee member and participating in working groups.
  6. Participation in extra psychotherapy training as a supervisor or teacher: delivering lectures on PPT at universities (postgraduate level)
  7. Undertake and complete significant and meaningful research in Positive Psychotherapy
  8. Contribute to the field by writing articles and/or books connected with psychotherapy and/or mental health, ensuring publication in national or international journals

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for trainers

(these CPD credits are added to the CPD credits required for psychotherapists)

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for trainers is required by WAPP in order to maintain the quality level of training around the world. You are required to complete the CPD for psychotherapists and to add an average of 20 credits per year of CPD for trainers.

This category of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is available in various formats, including

  • Attend advanced or additional professional trainer courses.
  • Participate in supervision of own training groups
  • Participate in hyper-vision (supervision of supervisors)
  • Passing the tests for trainer –  available on the WAPP website. (work in progress)
  • Organize and attend self-reflection and/ or support groups for trainers.


Continuing professional development (CPD) is the ongoing process of developing, maintaining, and documenting your professional skills, knowledge and development. In more and more countries, this is obligatory and requested from chambers, associations or insurances. So does the European Association for Psychotherapy of which WAPP is a member.

CPD is mandatory for all Certified Positive Psychotherapists (Candidates Positive Psychotherapists and European Certified Positive Psychotherapists) and all Basic and Master Trainers. Positive Psychotherapists and PPT Trainers have to update and develop their knowledge and skills on an ongoing basis. This commitment demonstrates and ensures professional competence, high standards, good quality service and accountability for the public.

WAPP CPD requirements and procedures:

All Positive Psychotherapists (Candidates Positive Psychotherapists and European Certified Positive Psychotherapists) and Trainers (Basic and Master) are to maintain a continuing, up-to-date and accurate record of CPD activities. Psychotherapists and trainers of WAPP can gradually submit reports on completed and earned CPD credits through the WAPP membership portal (look for the dedicated “CPD” section) or send a five-year report to the WAPP office via email at members@positum.org.

The first period to check CPD’s will be between September 2024 – September 2029.

Those who have the required number of credits after 5 years to have benefits/discounts at WAPP events.

For the Certificate to continue to have an effect, psychotherapists are required to complete two hundred and fifty (250) CPD credits over (5) five years. For the Certificate to continue to have effect, PPT trainers are required to complete three hundred fifty (350) CPD credits over (5) five years, (250 CPD credits for psychotherapists + 100 CPDs for trainers).

Not more than 30% for each CPD for psychotherapists and 30% for each CPD for trainers category is accounted for in the log.

WAPP members can find information about activities for CPD on our website – positum.org. All the CPD activities are announced on our WhatsApp groups and our Facebook page. We encourage our members to contact also their national organizations, and centers, to find out what their recommendations are.