Save the date: 9-10 October 2021

We are happy to announce the 22nd International Training Seminar for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy (ITS)”Stay in Balance, Stay Positive, Stay Connected”

About ITS 2021:
9 October – only for trainers and candidate trainers.
10 October – open for everyone.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic ITS will be via Zoom.
Formats: plenaries, lectures, group self-discovery, presentations, and workshops.
Timeslots are from 60 minutes (presentations) to 90 minutes (workshops) – including discussion.
Fees: 50 EUR per day for trainers (100 EUR for both days), 30 EUR for non-trainers (WAPP
members) on Sunday, 50 EUR for non-members
Seminar language will be English and partly Russian, translation for individual presentations needs to be organized by presenter, translation to other languages please also organize yourself
Die Inhalte der Fortbildungsmaßnahme sind produkt- und/oder dienstleistungsneutral gestaltet. Potenzielle Interessenkonflikte des Veranstalters, der wissenschaftlichen Leitung und der Referenten werden in einer Selbstauskunft gegenüber den Teilnehmern offengelegt. Es gibt keine Sponsoren. Die Gesamtaufwendungen der Veranstaltung werden über die Teilnahmegebühren gedeckt und vom Verband in Eigenleistung getragen. Die Gesamtkosten belaufen sich auf etwa 1200 EUR.
The contents of the congress are product and service neutral. Potential conflicts of interests of organizers, scientific manager, and lecturers will be laid open to the participants. There is no sponsoring. Total costs of the event are covered by the participation fees and in own contribution of the association. The total cost for the association are approx. 1200 EUR